الاجوبة الصحيحة لامتحان مادة اللغة الانجليزية الموسم الدراسي 2017/2018

 السلام عليكم : الامتحان كامل لشعبة ( أدب ) اللغة الانجليزية

writing 2. اداب ::

Nowadays, a variety of environmental problems affect our entire world. As globalization continues and Earth’s natural processes spread local problems into international issues, few societies are being left untouched by major environmental troubles.

First of all, some of the largest problems now affecting de world are Global Warning, air pollution and hazardous waste. These issues can be avoided with the recycling, for example in order to reduce pollution, we can minimize the energy spends on industrial production. Consequently, the greenhouse emission can be reduced which are harmful for the environment and our health. Furthermore, most of the landfill sides are filled up with a lot of waste products that could have been recycled, especially waste materials that belong to non-biodegradable category which takes a long time to discompose. In this way, recycling enable proper usage of these waste products and saves space for landfill.

Secondly, the world’s population has increased rapidly during the last ten years. Overpopulation has been disastrous for the planet. Greater populations have polluted and consumed more, ruining the environment. Thus, the government can create a law that control the number of children a person has, using various methods of contraception. Therefore, the number of birth would be controlled.

All in all, the environmental problems are worldwide issues now. They are not resolved only by individual or one institution. They need our collective endeavors. I hope the government and each citizen can understand that is our moral responsibility to curb these problems and make the Earth a livable place for our next generation


 1 ✔️
2 ✔️
3 ❌

B- 1-le true

2- false : ben schrom works at google expeditions

3-false : nearly 70% of school administrators have a positive view of VR in the classroom
[5/6 16:21] : E.
Started: launched
Expensive: costly

1. They: teachers
2. One: smartphone

............. 1.places..............2. Computer.......3. Headset...........4. Sounds........

II. Languag

1. ........apply for....
2. ............ log on.......

1. ...........investment......... renewing........benefitial..............sustainable.........

1. ..... can't......
2. .....ought to......

.........1. I read........2. I am staying........3. I haven't got........4.  I will have moved.........
[5/6 16:21] : E.
1. ......Not to sit......
2. .......used......
3. ....had installed.......

2. e
3. a
4. d

1. I would like to appologize for not attending your party; I had a serious problem at home.
2. I beg you pardon Sir, but I don't quite understand what are the problems of bullying.
[5/6 1 G- 1you: I'm sorry but I cannot attend to your party.
2-you: Could you clarify please! I did not understand


عن Unknown

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